Thursday, September 27, 2007

Baby Crack Cocaine

I would like to publicly thank my friend Sarah Musselman for sending us this fabulous swaddle blanket. Her baby loved it, and she passed it along to us. Grace loves being in this little straight jacket. Here she is lying next to me on the couch. I would recommend one of these contraptions to anyone with a new baby.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Grace and the dogs

Tank and Traveler are getting used to having Grace around. Tank is being a snob, and doesn't really like to be in the same room with her. She walks around Grace like she smells bad. I guess she is having a hard time accepting that she isn't the "top dog" anymore.

Traveler, on the other hand, loves Grace. She checks on her in her carseat. She wants to see Grace when we are changing her diaper. It is almost like she doesn't really trust us to take care of her baby. The other day I was sitting on the couch with Grace and had the feeling someone/something was watching me. I looked over my shoulder and Traveler was on the stairs watching us. She has found a job to keep her busy.

Sunny Sunday

The weather was perfect today for Grace to wear her sundress. It was a little big, but she looked pretty cute. It lasted half the day.....right up until she peed while Dave was changing her diaper. Good thing we took pictures before we went out.
We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a visit. Then we went for a stroll. She definitely likes to be out and about.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Doctor's Visit

Grace went to see Dr. McPhee again today. He said she looks great! She has gained more weight. She is past her birth weight....and weighed in at 8 lbs. We have now moved past office visits every few days. She doesn't have to go back until she is 2 months old. SHH- don't tell her that she will be getting a bunch of shots when we go back.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Eating, Sleeping, Crying

We are in a cycle of eating, sleeping and crying. Throw in a little poop and some awake time and you've got life with a newborn.

You can see that Grace fully understands the idea of "chillin". Once her belly is full, she throws her hands up and gets some shut eye.
Oh yeah, and when she cries, she really wails. She seems to have some ideas about the way things should be.

Going to the doctor

Grace went to see Dr. McPhee again on Monday. Thanks to a little formula, she has gained 6 oz since Friday. Dr. McPhee said she looks great. Hopefully, by Friday she will be back up to her birth weight.
I wonder what he can do to cure her fussiness in the middle of the night when I am trying to sleep?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Busy week

Grace has been home for a week now. We are all getting used to each other. Grace and Mom have been hitting the streets. We have been to Walmart at least 5 times, have visited Dad at work, and had lunch with Aunt Kim. Grace has seen Dr. McPhee (her favorite pediatrician) twice. She is enjoying some formula now in addition to breastmilk and seems to like it. When she isn't out on the town, Grace likes to sleep in her carseat and papasan chair. Mom likes naptime too!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Grace Elizabeth Wray

Grace arrived on September 2, 2007 at 6:25 pm.

Due concerns that she had an infection, she was taken to the nursery on Labor Day. She was treated with IV antibiotics for 5 days as a precaution. She is such a good kid she didn't mind the IVs (not even the one in her head).

We were finally given the all clear, and she was released on 9/6/07. She spent her first night at home. It was the first of many long nights.

Enjoy the pictures. We hope to see you all soon.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Moving right along

Today two very exciting things happened. The car seat was properly installed (thanks to Richard, the service manager at the Subaru dealership, and the Portmouth Fire Department) and Sarah lost her mucus plug. Being pregnant has lots of gross parts.
Just be thankful, we are not including a picture.

Sarah 8/31/07

Here is a very pregnant Sarah and the dogs